Who We Are

Company Strategy

In line with SIIL’s central philosophy of generating sustained growth and continued profitability, the central focus of the company’s Corporate Strategy is the effective management of the investment of its capital.

As one of SIIL’s key profit-generating streams, our investment portfolio is structured to generate multi-level protection for our shareholders through business diversification and geographical spread.

The SIIL Corporate Strategy takes into account current market economic conditions in its capital allocation, both within and outside of our own umbrella of companies. The Corporate Strategy adheres to a ‘Portfolio Investment Model’, which is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through direct and indirect investments.

Our direct portfolio takes the form of equity stakes in promising regional companies, while our indirect portfolio consists of broad-based equity shares in local, regional and international equity markets.

With limited involvement in the day-to-day management and operations of the company, Corporate Center treats SIIL as an investor and not as an operator. At its core, the SIIL Corporate Center acts in the best interests of our shareholders, who entrust the company’s executives to formulate and manage a Corporate Strategy that will fulfill the mission and vision.

Our Corporate Strategy is designed to set financial goals and to provide the company with the tools and support required to drive SIIL to achieve its revenue targets, as well as to enable SIIL Corporate Center invest or reinvest its capital wisely.